May 12, 2023Liked by Jay Dyer

Mr. Dyer, here are some suggestions for a fuller treatment of Balfour. Apologies if you know these things already.

A recent article on Global Orthodox makes it clear that the Greek article covers only a segment of Balfour's life:


However, I'm not sure the more recent article is correct in giving Balfour a noble lineage.

By far the most informative source that I found is this revised biographical paper available on Academia.edu:


As you will see, there was much to his life after 1947, and he continued to have Orthodox connections.

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This was a fantastic inaugural substack article, Jay! The more people we have waving the banner of truth in the form of historical documents and dropping the receipts in the footnotes, the sooner we will break through the programming of those under the hypnotic spell of the evil one, as manifested in the spirit of ecumenism and wokeism. Thank you for your hard work in trying to snap them out of their current thing psychoses. Pray that the woke will wake up!

“But that’s just a conspiracy theory” doesn’t hold water when we’ve got you publishing the receipts, as you did in this article.

You and your family remain in my prayers.

May God continue to bless and protect you as you soldier on.

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So as I read this post, I realized that I had a Venn diagram in my head, in which two circles that hadn't overlapped were beginning to overlap. They are:

1. Conspiracy theorists

2. Sane, reasonable people with an evidence-based worldview

Congratulations for showing me that it's possible to think with a conspiracy theorist flavor, while at the same time being reasonable.

That said, I'd like more clarity on what you want. Communism and Nazism were real, terrible evils. America was a bastion against them. To work for American intelligence to combat communism or Nazism seems prima facie worthwhile. Espionage is often a morally compromised activity, so some lines need to be drawn against the ends justifying the means. American interference in religion might sit uncomfortably with the establishment clause. So I'm certainly uncomfortable with the phenomenon you're describing, but what moral course would you advocate, when the state triea to meddle in religion?

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Yep. Here is my article on Dr Dunegan (the Day tapes) with the church as the main institution of subversion.

Summary: In 1988, a doctor recalls a talk given by depopulationist and Rockefeller insider delivered in 1969. This is the active control and depopulation plan outlined in complete detail. Every aspect of our lives has been controlled and much of it has come to pass.


Body of work (if interested): https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-battlefield-a-body-of-work-and

Keep up the good work - I am a listener.

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Wow. Do you think Protestantism lends itself to deception, influence, and coercion in any way due to its theology and/or foundations/beginnings?

Thanks Jay.

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