Ecumenism as a Geopolitical Tool & A Wholly New Religion
Explaining the Antipathy Many Have for "Apologetics" and Why This is Happening: Fr Raphael Barberg Calls Out "Apologists"
A GOARCH priest recently told a convert that his greatest *fear* for Orthodoxy was the work I do. His reasoning was literally that it undermines the “ecumenist project” and union with Rome. Understand that the lame digs at me about being “mean” are really about the bigger game of reunion with Rome in 2025. It’s hard to believe things are this inverted but here we are: as usual, the ecumenist must of necessity *hate* apologists, because the existence of the apologist means ecumenism is false. The delusion is so strong that when atheists, muslims, Protestants convert en mass, they must work to stop people converting them - because conversion means ecumenism is itself a false religion. By the way - the liturgy itself refutes them because traditionally converts must denounce their prior heresies and delusions.
Soon after, another priest I was not familiar with online publicly announced that apologists are somehow inherently a problem and should be avoided, as well as telling a Uniate that there is no need to convert to Orthodoxy because the notion there is one “true church” is a “left brain” error. Of course, it didn’t occur to him apparently that Christ assumed a fully human mind, as was declared in the ecumenical anathemas against Appollinarianism, which would mean He also possessed a “left brain,” we will leave out Christology. Fr Raphael Barberg announced that apologists are antithetical to “Christ” and that true Christianity is apparently indifferentism. When many were concerned (as they should be) with these heterodox comments, the reply from Fr Barberg was predictable: look how mean Jay Dyer is.
In other words, the typical deflection away from the serious issues of ecumenism and indifferentism, but how morally inferior anyone who gave pushback was. Fr Raphael is, as I understand, close to Fr Damick and Ancient Faith Radio, which almost 6 years ago now was promoting outright leftist causes which resulted in Fr Damick seeking to have me run off from any Antiochian Church. This kerfuffle died down, but clergy angry with what I do continues on as the divides in the Orthodox World become clearer and clearer. The academic and foundation connected circles within “Orthodoxy” are making their desires and positions manifest, while actually Orthodox people are likewise sifted and the dividing lines are drawn.
Many of these figures are openly and publicly telling Uniates and Roman Catholics not to convert because they ultimately want union with Rome. In fact, the EP has openly celebrated a “liturgy” in the Vatican with Francis’ approval as an open global sign of this coming false union - The New False Union of Florence. The real union, however, amongst these heterodox is the various list of heresies and potential heresies these groups all foster and promote - almost in unison. This means the New Ecumenist World Religion that is emerging will have its new ethics: These ethics and dogmas are forming as follows:
The Russian Church and its satellites are evil and Putin is a new Hitler.
Women should be allowed to be deaconesses on a mass scale as well as eventually female priests. Women need to actually be in charge of the churches and jurisdictions.
The Roman Catholic Church is basically the same as the Orthodox and Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew are fostering a genuine union.
There is no such thing as a “heresy” of “ecumenism.”
Orthodox sexual morals need to evolve and “progress.”
“Apologetics” is an outdated and outmoded approach based on ancient and medieval notions of objective truth and that the divine is in any way rational: religion is primarily an emotional and existential phenomena that supersedes any “dogmas.”
The new ethic is focused on environmentalism, racism, "patriarchal oppression,” and critical theory, not the virtues and vices.
All forms of self-defense, warfare and capital punishment are inherently immoral and "anti-Orthodox".
Evolution and pacifism are actually viewed as Orthodox dogmas.
The Bible does not relate actual historical events or historical “truths,” but a primitive expression of the Ancient Near Eastern worldview that should be read through the lense of German Higher Critics.
There are no NGOs and foundations that donate to Orthodoxy and seek to influence it and when they do, they are beloved and altruistic.
There are no “conspiracies” (except now defunct “Russian collusion” theories) and no geopolitical push for globalization and when there is, it’s a good thing.
The new Ecumenist religion will also have its own new saints and houses of worship. For example, most ecumenist “Orthodox” priests will often champion John Paul 2 and Mother Theresa as models for Orthodox piety. This is all mistaken, as the presuppositions for Orthodox sainthood are the healing remedies the Orthodox Church and Faith alone possesses: not the heterodox para-churches. In fact, Fr Heers has released a new book dealing with this topic from an Orthodox perspective, showing the very reception of converts in the liturgy assumes this dogma by the demand they renounce their prior delusions.
All of this troublesome dogma and tiresome ethical norms are part of the old religion - the new religion has new dogmas which are primarily centered around negations of Orthodox Doctrine. Not being dogmatic, not being a creationist, not doing apologetics and seeking to convert the heterodox, not seeking to save atheists and Muslims from their delusions and not opposing papism. In fact, their actual spiritual head is already Pope Francis, so one wonders what is keeping these people from simply going to Rome already. Perhaps they think a reunion will make tithing all the more bountiful, but the reality is people want actual Orthodoxy and often sacrifice a lot to convert - what a shame and disgrace to these people and the Martyrs to then be told by “Orthodox” priests that Orthodoxy isn’t necessary and anyone converting people is a “troublemaker” and “divisive.” Of course none of these people seem to recall that Jesus and St. Paul regularly debated and engaged in apologetical engagements.
“And he (Paul) went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God.” (Acts 19:8)
“for he (Paul) vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.” (Acts 18:28)
Instead of debating these errors as St. Paul did, the Papal Head these people are seeking union with openly has built an Abu Dhabi Faith Center together with Jews and Muslims erroneously giving the impression that together with Christians, we all worship the same “monotheistic” “god.” This god, interestingly, is explicitly not the Triune God: Recall my debate with Trent Horn where Trent took his natural theology to its logical conclusion and admitted the Old Testament teaches unitarianism!
To many of these individuals, philosophically and masculinity minded young men are “bad” - the church should be more feminine and passive (hence the error of pacifism which the OCA promotes, for example). Young masculine male converts means masculine seminarians who aren’t effeminate and won’t do and believe anything they are told by errant professors or clergy. The money / foundation system that has its tentacles in Orthodoxy openly wants effeminate ecumenical clerics who wont oppose error and moral changes, leading a smooth false union in 2025. This is precisely the way the Roman Catholic Church was changed throughout Pre and Post Vatican 2 era - by the intentional alliance with the US government, intelligence agencies, NGOs and foundations, which were able to eventually co-opt and completely subvert an already compromised institution (The Vatican). David Wemhoff has detailed this in perfect scholarly form in his classic text and the same tools are now openly being used in the Orthodox World, but if you speak of this open fact you are a mean, divisive man!
Given Fr Raphael Barberg was concerned to tattle on me to my priest, I would recommend e-mailing or calling the Antiochian Archdiocese and let them know you don’t support priests telling Uniates they don’t need to convert and that “One True Church” claims are “modern left brain activities.” When Fr Raphael claimed to “clarify” his post, it was rather damage control than any affirmation that this original comment is objectively false. Be polite, but feel free to contact them.
Archdiocese Headquarters
Phone: (201) 871-1355
Fax: (201) 871-7954
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Postal Address
Correspondence to His Eminence or the Archdiocese office may be sent to:
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
P.O. Box 5238
Englewood, NJ 07631-5238
This is an introduction post: in coming posts I will continue to document these relationships, including more associations between foundations, think tanks, NGOs, churches and the state, with an eye to highlighting how the world really works for the benefit of readers and viewers. This will also focus on all kinds of operations and strategies, not merely the Orthodox or religious world. Keep in mind we have also done many videos and interviews on this topic on my channels and outlets! For more on there related topics you can purchase my books here.
So awful. I am aware through a friend I met at the All American Council of the OCA in Baltimore (2022) that there are indeed tentacles of the intel agencies trying to access and influence us. Fortunately, at least at our local parish, the faith is kept intact, but I don’t want to be in something akin to a conservative Episcopal congregation in a larger woke institution.
This is so disturbing in light of the stress my conversion (currently a catechumen at a based Chicago Antiochian parish) has placed on my marriage, my friendships, etc. If ecumenism were true I wouldn’t have changed a thing and been all the better for it. I am grateful to have been led to the true Catholic Church and for God’s use of Jay in that process. I just pray it doesn’t wind up being for nought due to the powers of liberalism and geopolitical influence.